Aristo Multilog Nr. 970
March 7, 2007
When I first began collecting slide rules, I made a list of the ones that interested me the most, and then started monitoring eBay and the local antique stores. The Aristo 970 was the first to come up that stayed within my price range, and was thus the first slide rule that I purchased.
This example of the 970 arrived in virtually mint condition, requiring only minimal cleaning to make it perfect. Included with the rule was the original hard plastic carrying case, and a thin plastic ruler with inch and centimetre scales, conversion factors, and some logarthmic scales whose purpose I have yet to determine. Here’s a scan of the front of the slide rule:
This is a duplex rule, with scales on both sides of the slide and stator. The front contains most of the “typical” scales, along with one pair of log-log scales. The remaining 3 pairs of log-log scales, as well as the folded scales and the mantissa scale, are on the back:
Notice the faint yellow stripe highlighting the CF and C scales. This stripe is actually more apparent in the scans than in the original rule. I’ve seen other images of 970s where this highlighting is more pronounced, and appears on both sides of the rule. I suspect that it has simply worn off or faded from the particular rule in my collection.
The 970 is one of Aristo’s high-end rules, having all the scales that one might need except for the hyperbolic and Pythagorean scales. This would probably have been an ideal slide rule for a mechanical engineer. Here’s an excerpt from Aristo’s catalog page for the 970:
A double face slide rule with 8 part Log-log scale for mathematicians, physicists and chemists.
In comparison with the ARISTO Studio, in this rule the Log-log scale is further extended by two sections, LL0 and LL00. The trigonmetrical scales are arranged on the slide. The Log-log scales LL1—LL3, LL01—LL03 are placed, together with the folded scales, on one face of the rule. This is an advantage in many calculations, as is also the parallel setting of scales L and CI on the slide.
This slide rule has non-slip rubber “feet” on both sides, and they are thick enough to keep the cursor off the desk top, allowing the rule to be used one-handed. The two stators are connected by plastic end-pieces which are permanently glued in place, eliminating both the possibility and need for realignment. The cursor on the other hand can be aligned, the screws on the front face having some amount of wiggle room built in to allow for adjustment.
The Aristo 970 is the slide rule that I used for my first on-line slide rule simulator, but I took the liberty of enhancing the yellow highlight stripes on the images used in the simulator.
Specifications | |
Make and Model: | Aristo 970 |
Manufactured: | Germany, Year Unknown |
Overall Dimensions: | 33.8cm × 4.8cm × 0.4cm (13.3″ × 1.9″ × 0.16″) |
Scale Length: | 25cm (9.8″) |
Construction: | All Plastic |
Scales: | LL00 K A | B T ST S C | D DI LL0
LL01 LL02 LL03 DF | CF CIF L CI C | D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Cursor: | Plastic with Extra Hairlines: HP↔kW, Diam↔Area, and 3.6x Hairlines |
Date Acquired: | February 2007 |
Update 2011-Apr-04: My Aristo 970 also came with the English user manual, which I have now scanned and converted to Adobe PDF format. You can download it here (17MB).
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The Mad Slide Ruler
April 08, 2008
I don’t think the color has faded. I have just acquired one, basically new and it too has only a faint yellow coloring on the slider. I also have the little legs/stand for it so it makes the perfect desktop calculator!
Lindolfo R. Anders
September 08, 2008
About manufacture date: My 0970, bought in Brazil, at early 1964 is engraved 63 3. This is easily seen at right extremity when rule is placed on desk in "usual" position. I suppose yours is similarly date-marked.
April 15, 2009
I guess the Aristo Multilog design suffered slight variations along its life. My 0970 has rubber feet on one side only and no date markings. It was bought in Switzerland in 1965. It was the slide rule of choice for most mechanical engineers. I used mine a lot, mainly in college.
Gene Rozea
April 26, 2009
My 970 has a date code of 60 6 and has "feet" that extend across the full width of the front left and right sides. Also found the original manual. It has a leather like case with the flap. It got a lot of use in tech school and then at U-Conn.
July 23, 2010
Hi! -Love the virtual aristo! been messing with it now for a few days, on and off (while waiting for the right ‘price point’ for my own)… however, I’m baffled as to what the ‘additional’ cursor lines are for? I’ve looked in some aristo catalogues online, but I think the info was not 100% applicable to the 970. So, if you know, would you be so kind as to explain their function(s)? Either here or just email me at the address above. Again… great job on the sim! Thank you!
Stefan Vorkoetter
July 23, 2010
The mark labeled HP indicates the number of horsepower corresponding to the number of kW that the main hairline is indicating on the A scale. The other two short marks are for areas of circles; when the lower right mark points to a diameter on the D scale, the upper right mark indicates the area on the A scale. There’s also a ratio of 2/√π between the main hairline and the lower right hairline.
Roland Krenn
April 06, 2011
Hi! I’d like to thank Stefan for uploading the user manual. Aristo lost its entire records due to a flood some years ago, so this manual is really hard to get. Great! Thanks again!
Alvaro Gonzalez
April 06, 2011
Many thanks for your time to scan Aristo 970 manual. Cheers!
June 21, 2011
Thanks for scanning the Aristo 0970 manual; I need it. My Aristo 0970 looks a little bit different than yours.
Claes Schibler
April 30, 2012
A.Multilog 970
Hello. Very good with the numbers visible.
But it is little confusing that that the S window for Sine comes
before the T window for Tan.
I would prefer it like this.
(T(arctan…) ST(arc…) S(arcsin…)
Could you reprogram it?
— I have in the past month ++ looked at the various places
for digital slide rules.
I have Hemmi rules myself 13cm, 17,cm, 25cm, 60cm of lengh.
Stefan Vorkoetter
April 30, 2012
Claes, I hadn’t noticed that. Good catch! I’ve updated the simulator.
Eric Moon
February 25, 2013
I am very impressed with your Aristo 0970 simulator. I have a Nestler Multimath which is very similar in design.
I am curious if it would be possible to extract the numerical data from your simulation into a data file? I would like to be able to plot the outputs relative to one another and study the intersections, curves, etc as function of slide and cursor movements. I think it may help instructionally as well.
Thanks again,
Stefan Vorkoetter
March 03, 2013
Hi Eric. The code to display the outputs is in JavaScript, most of which is embedded right in the page. You could save a copy of the page, and play around with the code. I don’t know if JavaScript is allowed to write to a file on your local machine, but you could probably modify the code to create a table of results right in the web page, which you could cut-and-paste into a spread sheet.
Andrey (Андреј)
July 31, 2017
Slide rule dating – See this adress:
in Line: D&P Aristo
“… and some logarthmic scales whose purpose I have yet to determine …”
old engineers in everyday job worked with diagram that many times had X-axis, or y-axis, or both with logaritmic division
for your litle Darmstadt You can make one-line-cursor (twolines or multi lines cursor is dificult to make) from transparent plastic CD- or DVD-case. You need superglue gel and spring from old mechanic alarm clock. I made some pieces for my colection.
Sorry for my thereble English
Eric Sparks
January 15, 2018
I’ve got a CHARVOZ Aristo multilog Slide rule nr970 in great shape with the leather case I’m trying to sell. Does anybody know a good place to start?
January 17, 2020
Thank you so much for posting the manual! I just inherited an Aristo Multilog 970, and it’s been so long since I used one that all I remembered how to do was multiplication and division. Now when the power goes out, I have a very useful tool that is human powered!
February 12, 2022
Been clearing out my office and desk drawers. Came across my Aristo 970 which was used at college and for a few years in a design office.I am now 75 and have spent a few hours getting reacquainted. Brings back so many memories.
Thanks for the downloads